The beauty of an organization like GOTR is that you never really know where it's going to lead or the people you may meet along the way. As 2009 comes to a close, I thought it would be fun to remember all the cool people and places we've been this year.
This year we had our first site down town with Janelle as our coach. What an amazing woman. She shared lots of uplifting stories about her girls and how they were being changed. How for many of these girls this was their first after school activity, and who could forget the story about the little girl who came from a war zone in Africa only to not be allowed to play outside in her new home in the city. How GOTR allowed her that freedom for 2 hours a week!
2009 also brought Katie Visco into our lives. We had a gathering for her in August and our entire board showed up. I think we were all moved in some way. For me, her visit brought an understanding of empowerment and how doing what your passionate about can lead to amazing things!
2009 also brought many fun events our way. Emily, Sarah and I got to hang out at the Martini Mile (really a 1 mile run that ends with a martini.) We got to promote GOTR EVERYWHERE - Independence Center, KC Marathon Expo, Power and Light Family Day, KC Women's Triathlon.
Emily spearheaded some awesome new relationships including Paradise Park where we got to host our Spring 5K, and the American Heart Association where we got to hang out at the Royals Game in their booth promoting GOTR. Emily also took charge with "Sing for Your Supper" providing us with a tear jerking performance showing all 500 guests what GOTR is all about!
And we got to hang out with dear friends. 2009 saw our relationship with RCG YMCA take off, they hosted our fall 5K, allowed us to meet there when we needed to, and provided a space for our bake sale. DLT continued to be a great place to host a site and a great location for coach's training and volunteer orientation.
Oh, and National came to town. I got to hang out with lots of GOTR staff from around the midwest as well as Molly and the gang from Charlotte. Now that was a great time!
What are your GOTR memories of 2009?
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Spring Season Rapidly APPROACHING
This March marks our 6th season of Girls on the Run of Jackson County. What started as one site and 6 girls has grown to 6 sites and up to 90 girls.
As we gear up for the spring season, it feels like we're exploding, and needing more volunteers than ever before. I want to urge you to GET INVOLVED!!!
Volunteer orientation is January 14, 2010 from 6-7pm at DLT (6217 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, MO 64133.) Come, meet other women who are passionate about GOTR, ask questions, learn more about the program and decide where you want to help.
This orientation is open to anyone who wants to attend, but please RSVP so we know you're coming -
If you've been to volunteer orientation before, feel free to come again, it's a great chance to meet new people and share your experiences with new volunteers.
You know you've been wanting to get involved, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!!!!!
As we gear up for the spring season, it feels like we're exploding, and needing more volunteers than ever before. I want to urge you to GET INVOLVED!!!
Volunteer orientation is January 14, 2010 from 6-7pm at DLT (6217 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, MO 64133.) Come, meet other women who are passionate about GOTR, ask questions, learn more about the program and decide where you want to help.
This orientation is open to anyone who wants to attend, but please RSVP so we know you're coming -
If you've been to volunteer orientation before, feel free to come again, it's a great chance to meet new people and share your experiences with new volunteers.
You know you've been wanting to get involved, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!!!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My goal for GOTR is to SATURATE the county. To offer the program to EVERY 3rd-5th grade girl REGARDLESS of athletic ability, finances or anything else that might get in their way. For me, this is my dream. I want to change lives and offer girls more options than I had. I want them to know that they have the power to make GOOD choices and AVOID risky behavior.
What about you? What makes GOTR unique to you? What keeps you here? What keeps you coming back? What keeps you spreading the word? Share with all of us as we continue to build a community of empowered women and girls!
What about you? What makes GOTR unique to you? What keeps you here? What keeps you coming back? What keeps you spreading the word? Share with all of us as we continue to build a community of empowered women and girls!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Women are moved too
For so long, I've been focusing on the girls, grow the program, get the girls, change lives. What has FINALLY occured to me is that this program does so much more than effect girls. It also effects the women it touches, the volunteers, the coaches, the moms in a way I didn't realize before. I think women get involved with the program to help encourage girls to live better lives. But what I've seen time and time again is how these women's lives are changed. Yes, we're teaching girls to have a voice, to live life to the fullest, but often, we haven't been doing that ourselves. This progam is about empowerment through running, and what I see wome realizing as they begin their GOTR journey is that they are empowered. They feel like they are changing the world, and you know what, they are, starting with their own.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Run with Katie
Yesterday was probably one of those days that will stay with me the rest of my life. Ever meet someone who embodies the kind of person you want to be? Full of energy and positivity, following her dreams and passion and not letting anyone or anything get in the way?
Gracen ran about a mile with us yesterday, and when we got home, she told her brother and sister that Katie is her new best friend. Then listening to her reflect on the night before and the run in the morning, I could tell that Gracen was changed too. She is now aware of what a passion is and how anything is possible if you decide you want to do it. That's powerful stuff!
The only person I'd ever met that inspired me in such a way was Molly Barker, founder of Girls on the Run, until two nights ago. Katie walked into the studio for the meet and greet with confidence and a huge smile on her face. Once she started talking, her message touched all of us who were there. Then my 8 year old daughter, Gracen, myself, and several board members took her and her mom to dinner. We talked about her run and in all she said, her passion for life and belief in people's goodness were evident.
In all the e-mails we sent and all the other interaction, I never heard one cross, negative word about what she was doing. People asked her about injuries and aches and pains, and she just smiled, "My knees hurt," she said but in a of course they do, I'm running 20 miles a day kind of way. At one point, she said, "I have to make it to San Diego." Simply stated, yet so powerful and so real, said with such conviction. I am going to start applying that kind of positive thinking to my own life.
But the most amazing part of her visit for me was yesterday morning. Gracen and I got up at 5:30 am and set out to meet up with Katie and run with her for a bit. We caught up with her on Highway 31 between St. Joe and Cameron. After the pics, we set off running down the 2-lane country road. Gracen had to go to the bathroom, so Katie's mom took her to a gas station (she's driving the van this week), and Katie and I ran. We talked about silly things, waves (see her blog, Missouri and Independence history, and music. It wasn't really the conversation though, it was just being around her. Running with someone who was so passionate about her dream that NOTHING has gotten in the way of making it happen. And so we ran.
I have spent lots of time running on treadmills as I am training for the KC half,but after running with her outside yesterday, I think I'm ready, willing, and able to take to the streets. It won't be as fun without someone to run with me (hint hint - ANYONE), but I will have lots to think about, how to make my passion a reality. How to saturate the county with Girls on the Run. How to provide experiences like my run with Katie, to other girls.
Gracen ran about a mile with us yesterday, and when we got home, she told her brother and sister that Katie is her new best friend. Then listening to her reflect on the night before and the run in the morning, I could tell that Gracen was changed too. She is now aware of what a passion is and how anything is possible if you decide you want to do it. That's powerful stuff!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Make a change. . .
"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to make a change
and no message could have been any clearer
if you want to make the world a better place
take a look at yourself and make that change."
- Michael Jackson
As I'm running, I'm listening to this song, and I'm thinking, "make that change." What do I want to do to make a change, what will my legacy look like? Then I realize, I've been so blessed with a way to change the world I live in and beyond, I continue to be a part of an organization here in Jackson County that will impact thousands of girls in years to come. Thank you to everyone who's a part of GOTR, who puts their time and and talent into making a change! We want to make the world a better place, and we are doing something about it.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Customer Service
Friday it was pouring down rain when I took the kids to the store for our weekly trip. Lately, I've been shopping at the new Hy-Vee. It's close to my house and it's new, what's not to like?
When I finished shopping, I went to get in line and realized I forgot the KoolAid Jammers. Becuase the kids are home, KoolAid Jammers have become a huge time saver for me, grab a bag and you're good to go - take them to to the pool, use them at meals, gotta have them! Anyway, I'm standing there, trying to decide what I should do, skip the Jammers or go try to find them. At that exact moment, an employee says, "What are you looking for?" I tell her, she says, "What flavors would you like?" "Uh. . . red and purple." Off she goes, returning with a box of each, and telling me they are in aisle two with the juice. YEAH!!!!!
While the KoolAid experience impressed me, nothing prepared me for what was about to happen. The kids and I finish checking out and head to the car. As we leave the store, several more employees including the store general manager are standing outside, "Can we walk you to your car?" They ask with umbrellas in their hands. WOW!!! Talk about customer service and anticipating your shoppers needs.
I didn't take them up on the walk to the car, we were pretty close, and it's only water, but the scene has stuck with me. So much so, that I'm taking part of the morning to write about it, and I will probably continue to tell this story to anyone who asks me what I think of the new Hy-Vee.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Training for my half
So, last year I completed my first half marathon. We were in a bit of an odd place trying to get the studio open, and not having a gym membership, the only training I did was a long run once a week and maybe another short run throughout the week. NOT GOOD!!!
This year I am comminting to again complete the Waddell and Reed Kansas City Half Marathon. However, my goals and ambitions are much higher. Here are my commitments between now and October 17th.
1. Cut 20 pounds - taking off the weight will help me feel better, save me from injuries and make me lighter which will make it easier to run.
2. Run 3 days a week every week.
3. Work out 6 days a week every week.
4 Eat breakfast EVERY day.
5. Train with friends.
These five things will help prepare my body for the 13.1 mile run. My goal for race day is to go from a 12:43 mile to a 10:00 mile.
Who wants to join me?
"I am strong. . .I am an athlete."
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wow, what an amazing couple of months we've had at Girls on the Run of Jackson County. Things are really moving forward, and that can seem really scarey.
I remember after I first began inquiring about GOTR, asking national LOTS of questions. Bombarding them with e-mails. I wanted to be sure that this was something worth doing, something that was going to change lives. One morning, I was still on the fence, I still hadn't commited to filling out the application, but was seriously considering it, and then I freaked, for just a split second. "UH OH, what am I getting myself into?"
When I was in 5th grade, I tried out for the 6th grade singing group. This was a very big deal, and considering that I'm tone deaf, the chances were pretty slim that I'd actually make it. And there I was one morning thinking about what the day would bring - would I make the singing group or not. And in that moment I was thinking about what I might have gotten myself into. Live performances throughout the city - YIKES!!
It's funny to me how I can pin point many moments like that in my life. Those times when I took the risk, and then for a brief second thought, "Was that a mistake?" The thing I've learned about those moments are that they're just my fear. They're not really the truth. The truth is in doing those risks, I'm getting ready to experience great things.
As a kid, my mom used to tell me, you have a lot of potential, and even into my 20's my mom was still telling me that. "When you realize all of your potential, look out world." I read a book once that talked about that. When you're a kid, it's a compliment when someone tells you they see potential in you, but once you're an adult, you should be realizing that potential.
It's in those moments of self-doubt where I experience my potential becoming a reality. I have a choice at that time, STOP, or keep going. I'm sure there are lots of times I've stopped, but I have to say, the only ones I remember are the ones where I keep going. The 6th grade singing group, going to college, teaching second grade, getting fit, and bringing Girls on the Run to Jackson County. All of those things seemed overwhelming to me, all of those things seemed so far out of my reach and beyond what I was capable of, and yet all of those things I accomplished.
Did I have my doubts along the way? You bet. Was it hard? Definitely. But was it worth it? Without a doubt. I wouldn't change any of it. We're on the brink of big things with GOTR. We're looking at 4-5 sites in the inner-city alone next spring. We're making new connections and networking everyday. Does it scare me? Only for a moment. That one moment where I think, "Do I really want to do this? Can I handle the growth?" My answer, "YOU BET!!! Bring it on!"
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Spring 09
This is the season that will forever mark the tipping point (the culmination of a build-up of small changes that effects a big change) for Girls on the Run of Jackson County.
10 Small changes as I see them:
1. Began a relationship with Paradise Park in Lee's Summit.
2. Had our first site in KC, MO
3. Had our first site in LS, MO
4. Key People stepped up to help lead GOTR
5. I made a commitment to make GOTR my career - volunteer or not, it's what I do.
6. Began building relationships with other non-profit pro women organizations in KC - WIN KC and KC Express
7. Team Tiara changed to Sole Mates
10. Lee's Summit School District partnered with Paradise Park for the 5K.
In and of themselves, these 10 things may not have amounted to much, but put them together this spring, and suddenly, our little grass root program has started to bloom. Each small change has led to more changes and more exposure for GOTR.
My vision (this is the big change part of the tipping point) for Girls on the Run of Jackson County is that we saturate this community. That thousands of girls are doing the program every season. That parents, teachers, and community leaders continue to embrace the program and realize the effect it will have on society for years to come.
So, how do we get there? Well, we start with this tipping point, with this momentum, and we continue to build it and watch it explode!!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
May 14 Practice 5K

As stated in a previous entry, the practice 5K is my favorite part of the season. For many of these girls, it's the first time they've completed the 3.1 mile distance, and selfishly, I get to enjoy that with them. The community 5K is great, but I'm usually running around making sure it's going smoothly, and while I enjoy the feel of it, the practice 5K is much more personal.
Thursday night was no exception. Because the Lee's Summit and Raytown site have 16 girls between them, we decided to combine the sites for the 5K. We also decided that since we've run the 3.1 in Raytown before we'd bring all the girls together there and head down Blue Ridge - it's a flat stretch of road that travels through Raytown.
As the girls showed up, Julia, the Raytown coach, took charge. She introduced all the girls to each other and began warming them up. As I watched, I was so impressed with how she made the girls feel comfortable and encouraged them. "You can do this, no problem."
At 6:15 off we went. I got the privilege of running with different girls throughout the entire 5K. First I got to run with Asya. We talked about how she was liking GOTR and what she was learning. As we were running a couple of other girls joined us, so we ran and chatted. Some would fall back and others would catch up. As we passed the second light, I said, "We're almost half way there." The girls couldn't believe it. "Really? That didn't take very long."
Once we saw the water station, we knew it was the half way mark. Several girls were already there pouring water over their heads. AWESOME!!!! Brooke and Emily, two GOTR board members were manning the station, encouraging the girls and taking pictures.
After a quick break, we were off again. This time I was running with Rachel. She could walk as fast as I was running. She said, "I like going with you." As I was thinking what a nice compliment that was she added, "I don't like being pushed." So I picked up the pace.
About that time another board member was heading toward us, and Lulu, who was running with us at this time, said, "SARAH!!!" Sarah then began running with Lulu. Throughout the rest of the run I could hear Sarah saying, "Pump your arms, it will help." And, "Come on, Lulu, you're doing great!"
Throughout the 5K Julia had been running up and down the road encouraging all of the girls. The Lee's Summit coach, Michelle had stayed at the back to encourage the tail of our runners, and April, the assistant coach had run with girls helping them to pace.
As we got closer to the finish line, Brooke and Emily had loaded up the water station and returned to the finish/start line. They were there cheering and taking more pictures. By this time, Rachel, who I was running with was pretty spent. "She's taking pictures, this is your moment!" I told her. And so she ran. As she came across the finish line, Aimee, another board member, and the rest of the girls were cheering her on! Again, this is my favorite part of the season, getting to share that accomplishment with the girls and watching the rest of the girls supporting each other.
We waited for the rest of the girls to finish, and Julia headed back down the road to find them. She was yelling and cheering for them as she ran. And as the girls crossed the finish line, the excitement in their eyes was AMAZING!!!
Two things I will take away from this experience:
1. What a remarkable group of volunteers GOTR of Jackson County has. I am so blessed to have their energy and commitment to this program!
2. I never get tired of experiencing the girls' first 5K with them. It is such an honor for me!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
I am so blessed by what God has given me. Sometimes, (who am I kidding?) most of the time, I don't see it or appreciate it. So, since I am up at 5:26 this morning, I thought I might make a list of some of my blessings, which is really turning into the greatest things about my kids. Well, it's nearly Mother's Day, time for me to love on my babies.
I have three healthy beautiful children who care about each other. The little ones won't sleep unless they're in the same bed. They play Yahtzee together, watch tv together and root for each other.
Gracen, my oldest, is a responsible, mature 8 year old who excells in spelling (something her mama struggled with and still does.) She's learning to take chances and that it's OK if things don't turn out the way she thinks they should. (Another lesson I need to learn.) She has lots of friends and really gets along with pretty much everyone. She's the peace maker, and she's also the helper. She loves fashion and all things Hannah Montana. Of all my kids, she is most like me.
Jadon, my son. . .there's just something so special, so unwritten, and so unexplainable about the relationship between a mother and her son. When I first found out I was pregnant with Jadon, he was not developing as expected. I prayed and prayed over that boy, and God saved him. I know God has great plans for him. He's athletic, funny, witty, and oh so sensitive. He loves dancing around the house and playing with his little sister. He is growing into a strong, self-assured boy.
And then there's Abby, my baby. She loves animals, loves to laugh, loves to play. She's imaginative and loves stories. She's a trooper, will ride a bike that's attached to mine throughout town. She's clever, loves to play jokes on me. One morning I went to get the coffee out of the pantry only to find that she'd exchanged my coffee container for the play coffee container on the toy shelf. Being the third child, she gets the most mommy time, and together we get to have lots of adventures just the two of us.
I am really looking forward to school being out this year so we can hang out all day. We'll spend time at the pool, and maybe take a trip or two - St. Louis maybe Toledo. My kids are great travelers. Last October I drove them to Florida. It was three days coming and going. They handled it better than I did, and we didn't even have a DVD player for them to watch. We spent countless hours playing "I'm going on a Trip." We drove through Memphis and wondered if we'd see Miley Cyrus. We counted lanes of traffic coming into Atlanta. And then we hung out in Florida with my parents. It was a grand adventure, and I can't think of anyone I would have rather done it with.
Yes, I am definitly blessed. I have the three best kids on the planet, and I get the privilege of being their mother for their whole lives. Happy Mother's day!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Boys run too
For the last 2 1/2 years my life has pretty much been about GIRLS on the Run. My 8 year old who will finally be in 3rd grade next year has watched day after day while her mother has dedicated so much time to this organization. She is ready to start in the fall for sure!!!
But today was not about GIRLS on the Run. It was about my son. He's six and has never known a time before GOTR crashed into our lives. He's watched his big sister complete two 5K's while he's had to stand at the finish line.
A week ago I told the little ones that we were going to be doing a 5K with Char Char (grandma). He was very apprehensive, but I assured him that he would sit in the stroller while I pushed, Abby, my 4 year old would be pushed by Char Char. Then, last night at dinner, he announces, "Daddy, I'm going to run a 5K tomorrow." I said, "Well, you're going to sit in the stroller." "No, Mommy, I want to run. I can do it."
At 6:30 am he comes running into my room and grabs his clothes. He gets dressed and is ready to go. We picked up Char Char and her stroller for Abby and headed to race day. When we got there his mood quickly changed from excited to scared to death. "How far is it again?" "3.1 miles, but you're a strong boy, you can do it." "Well, if I get tired can you push me?" "Son, I'm not taking the stroller. We didn't bring it." "Oh." And so we stood, quietly.
At 8:00 am the race started with the horn blow, and off we went. About 100 feet in, he said, "are we almost done?" Oh boy, this is going to be interesting. "No son, we just started. We'll stay slow, we'll walk when we need to, it's going to be great." As we ran next to the railroad track an actual train passed us coming the other way. "Wasn't that cool?" "No, Mom, that was LOUD." But he ran.
We got to the first water station, and with his water he said, "Ahhh, that's better" and he took off running so fast. "Don't look back son, keep going forward." At about the half way point he was done. He'd given his all, and was tired. We took off his gloves and sweatshirt which helped him feel better and off we went again. We'd run to one mailbox then walk to the next. Walk, run, walk, run we went for awhile. Then we saw a second water station - GLORIOUS!!! The volunteers were cheering, and he got a second wind. He ran as fast as he could to get that water.
Then up a small hill was someone taking pics and he ran faster. Once we passed the photographer though we needed to walk. "OK son, we'll walk to the turn." At the turn we were told we could see the finish line. He got another energy burst, but it was short lived as the finish line wasn't actually right there. By that time, we were holding hands and putting one foot in front of the other. "Come on son, you're strong, I'm so proud of you" became my montra.
Suddenly the girl ahead of us squealed, "I can see the finish line!" So we started running a little faster, I said, "I can too, there it is!" At the same time, we could hear the crowd cheering for people as they crossed the line. We were definitly going to make it. The closer we got the faster Jadon ran until the last 10 feet when he dropped my hand and took off at a full sprint. The crowd was roaring and he felt so amazing. As a mom, I watched with such pride as my son had his moment. His empowerment, his time of accomplishment. It was truly remarkable, and I am so proud of my boy!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Blue Springs Practice 5K
Last night I had the privilege to run with the Blue Springs girls during their practice five 5K. For me, this is probably my favorite part of the season. The practice 5K, unlike the community 5, is small and intimate allowing me to really see each of these girls. I really get to the know them, talk to them while we run, encourage them, and just hang out. This particular 5K was held at a park, and the girls ran around the trail 8 times to complete 3.1 miles. Here's the thing though, April and May in Missouri are guarenteed to be rainy, wet, chilly, HOT, unpredictable and messy!!! Since Monday we've had rain, huge crazy thunderstorms with daunting clouds have filled the sky, and last night was no different. But the girls were jazzed and ready to run.
I managed to get lost and arrived just as the girls were heading out. As I came over to the start, I could tell that some of these girls had "fallen" in the mud. I could also see that the paved trail was COVERED in standing water and mud in some parts. We were going to get dirty, but these girls have been working hard, and they were ready to go.
So we ran.
Here are some of my thoughts and observations about the run - pretty random, but bare with me. There was a dad who came out to run with his daughter. I watched them run and talk and dad encouraging her. I love that, watching a dad take an active role in his daughter's life. Running with her, even if he's not a runner or hasn't run. Although, this dad had one of those forerunners, so I'm pretty sure he was a runner, but still, to come out and run with your eight year old - way to go dad!
As each girl came across the finish line, Devon, the coach, and another parent put a streamer out so the girl could run through it. Watching the girls cross that finish line and breaking the streamer was awesome. This was their moment. For most of these girls this was the furthest they'd ever gone 3.1 miles, and when they crossed that finish line it was all about them, about their accomplishment, their overcoming something some of them did not believe they could do. And yet, every one of those girls crossed that line. WOW!!!
I think the 5K is a lot like life. It seems so overwhelming at first, but as one of the girls kept saying as we were running, "baby steps." Just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. That's what these girls did last night, even with the daunting, crazy clouds, the rain drops, and the mud, they put one foot in front of the other and moved forward until they finished STRONG!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
GOTR updates
What a busy week we've had at GOTR, and it's only Wednesday!!!! Shirts have been delivered to girls, our program shirts are lime green this year - COOL!!!
5K meeting Monday night, things are really coming together for that - HUGE shout out to Sarah, Emily, and the rest of the 5K committee. You gals are ROCKIN'!!!! The logo is amazing, the posters look fantastic. GOTR is so blessed to have a new energy.
Blue Springs has started recruiting for the fall - YES, the fall site!!! KC site has commited to another GOTR season as well as GOT.
Just got an e-mail from a brownie leader of soon to be third graders - she's ready to sign her TROOP up and possibly other troops as well.
We now have a fb group for GOTR as well as twitter and this blog. See, Girls on the Run IS so much fun - and hip!!!
Want to get involved with this life-changing org. that is exploding in the KC area? Visit !!!! For up to minute details on what's going on, visit
Monday, April 27, 2009
News from KC Site
Girls on the run is going well here. Some challenges have been ecouraging the girls to push themselves. For about 90% of the girls I have out this is their very first ever sports experience. Teaching the fundamentals of running I learned is somthing that is not easy :) I am so thankful for my assistants that remind me how hard the girls are working. To gain perspective for me has been to look through the eyes of the other coaches who are either past runners or a non runner willing to try to get into running....
My three greatest stories come from three amazing girls. First there is Thalia. Thalia has had a difficult year. Transferring to this new school, moving a few times, being raised by older sisters, and has dealt with a weight issue for her whole life from what I have learned. As we had our community class meeting the other day, the girls in my class were sharing with the rest of the class how Thalia "is such a good runner, and is really fast!". She has dealt with the mean comments from kids in regards to her body size, but the smile on her face when her running ability was shared was unbelievable. She is by far my hardest worker. Her smile never stops!
In addition I have a girl, Awar, who lives in an area where she cannot go outside to play and previously living in Sudan with constant war, then refugee housing. She is a natural runner though. Often times I will take her and run with her for a bit because she wants to "run fast with me" so we do a few laps together. She pushes herself daily, and dreads ever missing a practice. To give her this opportunity has been amazing. She wants to continue to run with me. Never before has she had the opportunity to just run.
Finally I have Alondra. Alondra is the youngest of several kids and often does not have any opportunity to play outside either. Her only outiside time is the time she gets to be on the playground each day at school, and now at Girls on the Run. Unlike several of the other girls, Alondra is not opposed to running by herself if that is what she needs to do to push herself. Often times girls will not push themselves, and instead go with their friends (which is also a challenge) Alondra however will always push herself and never stops. Running is not an easy task for her, but she gives it her all.
My three greatest stories come from three amazing girls. First there is Thalia. Thalia has had a difficult year. Transferring to this new school, moving a few times, being raised by older sisters, and has dealt with a weight issue for her whole life from what I have learned. As we had our community class meeting the other day, the girls in my class were sharing with the rest of the class how Thalia "is such a good runner, and is really fast!". She has dealt with the mean comments from kids in regards to her body size, but the smile on her face when her running ability was shared was unbelievable. She is by far my hardest worker. Her smile never stops!
In addition I have a girl, Awar, who lives in an area where she cannot go outside to play and previously living in Sudan with constant war, then refugee housing. She is a natural runner though. Often times I will take her and run with her for a bit because she wants to "run fast with me" so we do a few laps together. She pushes herself daily, and dreads ever missing a practice. To give her this opportunity has been amazing. She wants to continue to run with me. Never before has she had the opportunity to just run.
Finally I have Alondra. Alondra is the youngest of several kids and often does not have any opportunity to play outside either. Her only outiside time is the time she gets to be on the playground each day at school, and now at Girls on the Run. Unlike several of the other girls, Alondra is not opposed to running by herself if that is what she needs to do to push herself. Often times girls will not push themselves, and instead go with their friends (which is also a challenge) Alondra however will always push herself and never stops. Running is not an easy task for her, but she gives it her all.
Paradis Park 5K Adventure Run benefitting GOTR
Hello GOTR fans!
We are in the process of planning a 5K to celebrate our 45 girls this season! Details are listed on website - . This event is OPEN to the public, ANYONE can RUN!! Also, we need volunteers for race day as well as sponsors. You can sponsor as an individual or a business. This season we offered the program for $30 ($100 cheaper than national recommends). To run the program, we average $160/girl. As you can see, we need to raise lots of money.
Our 5K's are the major fundraisers we have, so PLEASE consider sponsoring. We have packages available for as little as $50.
Change a girls life!
Sabrena Lea
Council Director Girls on the Run of Jackson County
We are in the process of planning a 5K to celebrate our 45 girls this season! Details are listed on website - . This event is OPEN to the public, ANYONE can RUN!! Also, we need volunteers for race day as well as sponsors. You can sponsor as an individual or a business. This season we offered the program for $30 ($100 cheaper than national recommends). To run the program, we average $160/girl. As you can see, we need to raise lots of money.
Our 5K's are the major fundraisers we have, so PLEASE consider sponsoring. We have packages available for as little as $50.
Change a girls life!
Sabrena Lea
Council Director Girls on the Run of Jackson County
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