Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Now i can blog from my phone. Glad i got the key board phone.

GOTR updates

What a busy week we've had at GOTR, and it's only Wednesday!!!!  Shirts have been delivered to girls, our program shirts are lime green this year - COOL!!!

5K meeting Monday night, things are really coming together for that - HUGE shout out to Sarah, Emily, and the rest of the 5K committee.  You gals are ROCKIN'!!!!  The logo is amazing, the posters look fantastic.  GOTR is so blessed to have a new energy.

Blue Springs has started recruiting for the fall - YES, the fall site!!!  KC site has commited to another GOTR season as well as GOT.  

Just got an e-mail from a brownie leader of soon to be third graders - she's ready to sign her TROOP up and possibly other troops as well.  

We now have a fb group for GOTR as well as twitter and this blog.  See, Girls on the Run IS so much fun - and hip!!!

Want to get involved with this life-changing org. that is exploding in the KC area? Visit !!!!  For up to minute details on what's going on, visit

Monday, April 27, 2009

News from KC Site

Girls on the run is going well here. Some challenges have been ecouraging the girls to push themselves. For about 90% of the girls I have out this is their very first ever sports experience. Teaching the fundamentals of running I learned is somthing that is not easy :) I am so thankful for my assistants that remind me how hard the girls are working. To gain perspective for me has been to look through the eyes of the other coaches who are either past runners or a non runner willing to try to get into running....

My three greatest stories come from three amazing girls. First there is Thalia. Thalia has had a difficult year. Transferring to this new school, moving a few times, being raised by older sisters, and has dealt with a weight issue for her whole life from what I have learned. As we had our community class meeting the other day, the girls in my class were sharing with the rest of the class how Thalia "is such a good runner, and is really fast!". She has dealt with the mean comments from kids in regards to her body size, but the smile on her face when her running ability was shared was unbelievable. She is by far my hardest worker. Her smile never stops!

In addition I have a girl, Awar, who lives in an area where she cannot go outside to play and previously living in Sudan with constant war, then refugee housing. She is a natural runner though. Often times I will take her and run with her for a bit because she wants to "run fast with me" so we do a few laps together. She pushes herself daily, and dreads ever missing a practice. To give her this opportunity has been amazing. She wants to continue to run with me. Never before has she had the opportunity to just run.

Finally I have Alondra. Alondra is the youngest of several kids and often does not have any opportunity to play outside either. Her only outiside time is the time she gets to be on the playground each day at school, and now at Girls on the Run. Unlike several of the other girls, Alondra is not opposed to running by herself if that is what she needs to do to push herself. Often times girls will not push themselves, and instead go with their friends (which is also a challenge) Alondra however will always push herself and never stops. Running is not an easy task for her, but she gives it her all.

Paradis Park 5K Adventure Run benefitting GOTR

Hello GOTR fans!

We are in the process of planning a 5K to celebrate our 45 girls this season! Details are listed on website - . This event is OPEN to the public, ANYONE can RUN!! Also, we need volunteers for race day as well as sponsors. You can sponsor as an individual or a business. This season we offered the program for $30 ($100 cheaper than national recommends). To run the program, we average $160/girl. As you can see, we need to raise lots of money.

Our 5K's are the major fundraisers we have, so PLEASE consider sponsoring. We have packages available for as little as $50.
Change a girls life!
Sabrena Lea
Council Director Girls on the Run of Jackson County